Attendance & Absence

Currently our average percentage rating for child attendance at this school is 95.6% which is broadly in line with the national average and we really appreciate the support that parents give us in ensuring that children attend school regularly.

Please see the key reminders below to help keep this high standard up:

Children need to be in school at 8:45am, ready for 9:00am registration
Children will be marked as ‘late’ if they arrive after 9:00am unless other valid reasons are given e.g. Doctor/Dentist appointments.
Any persistent lateness will be followed up by the school
Children whose attendance falls below 95% and who are causing an attendance concern will be notified by a letter being sent to the parents/careers, then a discussion will be had with the Headteacher to support attendance to increase.
The Government has stated that any holidays in term time cannot be authorised by school, unless in exceptional circumstances.

Sickness and diarrhoea policy

Please could parents remember that in the interests of infection control, children need to be kept away from school for 48 hours after the final episode of vomiting or upset stomach.

Phoning in a child absence

Please phone the school and leave a message as soon as you know that your child will not be attending that day – absences need to be reported before 9:00am at the latest. Phoning the school number and pressing option 1 will take you to our dedicated child absence message box. We would be grateful if parents could leave information about the symptoms their child is experiencing so that we can look for patterns of illness across the school.