Friends of Steeple Claydon School 


The Friends of Steeple Claydon School (FOSCS) are an active group of parents who support the school through fundraising and event organisation during the year. The Friends Committee has made a real difference to the school and provide many additional resources through the funds we raise that make the school such a rich and wonderful learning environment.

FOSCS has three main aims:

Raising money for the school for the benefit of the pupils

Getting the local community involved in the school

Providing a social environment for parents, carers and pupils

The Friends of Steeple Claydon School brings together parents, carers, teachers and others to raise money and to support the school and its pupils. Additionally we hope to provide opportunities for parents, carers, and the wider community to be more involved in school life, and for everyone at Steeple Claydon School to benefit from the additional funds we hope we can raise. 

Make a Donation

If you wish to make a donation to FOSCS for any event, you are welcome to do so by credit or debit card via this paypal donation link.

Registered charity 1053377

FOSCS Needs You!

We always welcome new people and ideas to help FOSCS continue to thrive and provide much needed resources for the pupils of our school.


Amazon Smile

Do you shop on the Amazon? Did you know you can set Steeple Claydon School up as your chosen charity in a few easy steps with no extra cost to you! Every time you shop, Amazon Gives.

What We Do
From cake sales to hot-dog days, Christmas bazaars to discos, FOSCS organise all kinds of events. We also offer help at non-FOSCS events, for example we provided BBQ and drinks at the Baby and Toddler car boot sales over the summer. The money we raise goes to buying extra resources that the school don’t always have the budget for – the wooden playground equipment, for example, is something that FOSCS paid for through our fundraising events.
Taking part
We are a friendly group of parents, who meet every half term to discuss the planning and organisation of events, in order to raise further funds for the school. These events are fun for pupils, teachers and parents alike!  Whether you are a parent, grandparent or carer who wants to help organise events, or whether you just want to offer a few hours to help at an event, you are most welcome! We are really keen to hear from those parents who just want to offer a small amount of help – you are the people who make running events so much easier and you really make a difference. Please use the contact form below if you would like to know more. 
What can I do?
As much or as little as your time allows!
Offer ideas and advice: attend our meetings and let us hear your thoughts!
Join a mini event committee and help shape an event you have a particular interest in.
Work behind the scenes: putting up posters to advertise events, applying for grants, collecting raffle prizes, making photocopies, for example.
Bring a skill to school: · to help with fundraising, for example donating a cake, or helping on the ice cream stall · to help maintain the building/grounds, for example decorating or gardening.
Recycle: · Don’t put your empty inkjet cartridges or mobile phones in the bin. · Fill your Bags2school collection bag with old or unwanted clothes. The school is paid by the weight of items that are collected. ·
ECO warrior: help our school become an ‘ECO SCHOOL’. Bring in items that we need when we want to organise up-cycling classes.
Time: Give your time to help at an event, either to help set up tables/decorate before it starts, or during the event itself.
Donations: We are always grateful for donations of new items to be used as prizes to be won at events. You can also make a monetary donation to FOSCS.
Come along: Above all, please come along to the events we organise and enjoy them!
Contact FOSCS
We would love to hear from you! If you have any ideas or improvements to suggest, or would like to offer help… then just drop us a line! (
You can also find out more details from the school or grab any FOSCS member on the playground for an informal chat – we’re always happy to talk. We really look forward to hearing from you.

My Nametags

Thinking about getting name tags for all that new uniform?  Please support the school’s fundraising by using and our school code: 34961