Headteacher's Weekly Newsletter

Newsletter - 16th September 2022

The children have enjoyed their ‘Hook Days’ this week and they have hopefully filled them with interest and enthusiasm for the topics they are studying this half term. The Year 6 pupils have worked hard to complete their 11+ secondary transfer tests and we have all, of course, continued to work with the children in helping them understand and remember all of the National events of the last week during the period of national mourning. 


Book of Condolence

We completed our period of national mourning at school by accompanying our new JLT to St Michaels’ Church to sign the book of condolence on behalf of the school and each class. The classes created some lovely messages for their representatives to write, demonstrating their respect for the Queen and all she has done for our country.  Scroll through for more photos of our visit. 

Signing the Book of Condolence at St Michael's Church

Signing the Book of Condolence at St Michael's Church

Star Awards


Year 1 – Austin for a fabulous comic strip of our Beegu adventure

Year 2 – Chloe for settling well into the routines and expectations in Year 2

Year 3 – Emily for creating amazing sentences using conjunctions

Year 4 – Darcie for increased confidence with times tables

Year 5 – Henry C for great knowledge about the Titanic disaster

Year 6 – Brennan for enthusiasm when researching the Titanic Disaster

Well done everyone!


Behaviour Awards


Year 1 – Erin

Year 2 – Zandile

Year 3 – Tallulah

Year 4 – Oscar

Year 5 – Rosie

Year 6 – Isaac H

Well done to all of you!


Value of the Week: Respect

Value bands

‘Value Bands’ for demonstrating  respect have been awarded to…

Year 1 – Lorcan

Year 2 – Finlay

Year 3 – Sofia R

Year 4 – Carrie

Year 5 – Aubrey

Year 6 – Kaylee

Well done to all of you!


Christmas Cards

Thank you to all those who have sent back orders for Christmas Cards and other Christmassy items and made the corresponding payments on Parent Pay. All additional orders should be made and paid for by Tuesday 20th September. Please email your order to the office if your child has designed their card in school or if the design has already been handed in.


University of Buckingham Bookshop Incentive

 We have been lucky enough to be included in the ‘Free Book’ incentive at The University of Buckingham Bookshop. Every time you buy a book from them, a vote is placed for our school and for every five votes, we get a lovely new book! The shop has a huge range of children’s books as well as lots of fiction and non-fiction for you too, you are entitled to discounts (including the half price children’s book range). Order by 5pm and it is in the following morning….and we deliver. You can support an independent bookshop AND your local school! Head over to the facebook page for more details https://www.facebook.com/BuckinghamUniversityBookshop/posts

or email shop@buckingham.ac.uk


A message from FOSCS

FOSCS AGM and Event Planning – THURSDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER, 6pm @ School
We welcome as many parents and carers as possible to join us on the 22nd.  We appreciate the time will not suit all and children are welcome.
This is a great opportunity to be involved in the work that FOSCS does to generate money to boost the extra curriculum activities for the school and our children.  This is a tough year for us all financially, not least the school, who are also facing rising costs and having to spread their own resources thinly.  
We have nominations for the posts of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary this year but if you are interested, please let us know as soon as possible.  It is probable that these positions will need to be filled next academic year (2023/2024) and the current post holders will be only to pleased to work with anyone who is interested in taking these on over the coming year to assist in a smooth handover.  With a great team within FOSCS, none of these roles need to be too overbearing and whilst the pace picks up at event times, being involved and making a difference, is hugely rewarding.  
FOSCS is supported by our year reps – thank you to those who have taken those on or joined us this year – and some parents/carers who give us their time at events.  With around 170 children at the school, if every parent/carer could support us at 1 event, we could achieve so much 😊 
Without your support and involvement, there is a real risk that our work will not continue past this academic year.  We meet around every 6 weeks and meeting notes are shared afterwards should you not be able to attend every meeting
If you have got this far with the message, thank you!  I will be happy to talk further with anyone who is interested in joining us. Grab me on the school runs or email us at foscsfundraising@gmail.com.
Hope to see you on the 22nd!  We will share with you our plans for the year after then.
Carol, Chair

Walking With You

Please find attached two documents about an opportunity for parents of children with mental health difficulties which may be of interest to some parents.

Diary Dates


Monday 19 September – School Closed due to Bank Holiday for Queen’s Funeral

Thursday 22 September, 6pm – FOSCS AGM

Please also note that diary dates for the whole year were sent out to parents by email this week so that you are able to plan ahead.